Weekly Reader

Each week includes a variety of resources you will enjoy! Apps, podcasts, songs, books, websites, and much more



Trust in You by Lauren Daigle is our song of the week. If you can, take a few minutes to listen to this song and the lyrics and journal or just think about the Lord and all he has done for you. What plans have you made that didn’t come through? How would you benefit by putting your trust in the Lord? https://youtu.be/n_aVFVveJNs


Have you ever felt like you were suffering? Have you ever questioned why God would allow you to suffer? Would you believe that God uses suffering to strengthen your faith? One of the best books to answer these questions is The Power of Suffering by John MacAurthur, You can purchase the ebook through Apple Books, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble, or you can buy the book through https://www.gty.org/store/books/452006/the-power-of-suffering . I sincerely hope this book will help you find new insights on how to view suffering in your life as a follower of Christ and truly embrace the positivity in God’s plan for you to become more Christlike. 


Let’s Talk is a podcast for women from The Gospel Coalition Podcast Network. On each episode, Jackie Hill Perry, Melissa Kruger, and Jasmine Holmes talk about a different topic and how to apply biblical wisdom to everyday life. 



Looking for a new app? Solid Joys is John Piper’s daily devotional. You can find the app on the Google Play store or you can listen to the devotional on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/solid-joys-daily-devotional/id1315817340


Look at the Book by John Piper is Piper’s online method of teaching how to read the Bible in 8-12 minute videos in which the camera is on the text while the viewer watches John Piper mark the text on the screen so that they can learn to study the Bible for themself. https://www.desiringgod.org/labs


Printing Bible verses are a great way to decorate or just to remember scripture. They make great gifts for friends and family. You can just print them and put them in a nice frame and it can be a quick and easy gift. These free printables come in both colored and black in white. There are even printables for Children. Check them out! https://raiseyoursword.com/free-printable-bible-verses/


This week the focus was on God’s plans- If you are looking for a movie to watch that will make you laugh and cry.. The pick this week is nothing new although you may have missed it- OVERCOMER- starring one of my absolute faves Priscilla Shirer. Brought to you by the Kendrick Brothers (Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Courageous). “OVERCOMER dares to leave you filled with hope, inspired to dream, and asks the question: what do you allow to define you?”



Looking for another song to listen to while journaling, cleaning the house, or just driving in the car? Grace Got You by Mercy Me is one of our favorites! If you can watch this official video it has the lyrics! https://youtu.be/xtiUjNT_vAM


Grace is one of the many attributes of God. Studying the attributes of God is one way to truly learn the depth of who God is and what his character is like. There is so much we will never know and so much we can know that many never even attempt to know. We challenge you to study the attributes of God. Here is the book, The Attributes of God by Arthur W. Pink and the study guide. Please email us and let us know how your study is going! We can’t wait to hear what you are learning… https://www.chapellibrary.org/pdf/books/aogo.pdf


Every morning, the team of women behind iBelieve.com bring you a devotional and prayer to help you start your day in conversation with God. The Bible tells us to bring our prayers and petitions before God and He WILL give us peace! May these daily prayers help you find the words to pray and focus your heart and mind on the love of God today. Your Daily Prayer Podcast



Looking for a new app? Grace to You has an app and on it you can listen to John MacArthur’s  current sermons, read daily devotionals, listen to the GTY radio broadcasts, access the archived sermons, choose a topic study, and much more. https://www.gty.org/apps


How to keep a spiritual journal. Learn How to Keep a Useful and Practical Spiritual Journal

Curated from The Lifehacks Bible In partnership with Zondervan. This course will address key challenges and provide a practical format for the habit of spiritual journaling. These practical insights are designed to reduce the burden of journaling, providing a helpful discipline for believers to grow in their walk with God and reflect on past victories and challenges. 



While we have devotionals we still like to suggest many others who have come before us! Dr. Tony Evans has great resources on his website including but not limited to devotionals. I love the way his website puts it, “As a pastor, teacher, author and speaker, he serves the body of Christ through his unique ability to communicate complex theological truths through simple, yet profound, illustrations. While addressing the practical issues of today, Dr. Evans is known as a relevant expositor. New and veteran pastors alike regard him as a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith.”https://tonyevans.org/devotional-signup/ or you can get a quick read before signing up at Dr. Evans- One Place


Do you watch netflix or hulu, try watching pureflix! https://pureflix.com

You can watch on your mobile device with the app, on your computer, or stream on your television. A recent watch for me was: LIFEMARK, inspired by an incredible true story that celebrates the gift of life, for more information on the movie and resources: https://lifemarkmovie.com/


RML Weekly- Mercy, Love, Grace, and Fun!

Looking for another song to listen to while journaling, cleaning the house, or just driving in the car? Chris Tomlin’s Goodness, Love, and Mercy will help remind you of God’s Mercy that you are given time and time again: https://christomlin.lnk.to/holyroarYD

We so desperately seek unconditional love from those who cannot give it to us. God is the only one who can. “ Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers demonstrates just that! It is a retelling of the love story of Gomer and Hosea in a “Historical Romance”: https://www.amazon.com/Redeeming-Love-Francine-Rivers/dp/1590525132

Every day when I drive to work I can’t wait to listen to this podcast. In fact I speed it up so I can listen to more than one. (I also have not found any academic research that says listening is truly useful in remembering it better!) Although in reality I can listen to it several times and I also am more focused if I speed it up! Regardless by now you probably just want to know what I am listening to… Might I suggest Grace to You with John MacArthur: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grace-to-you-radio-podcast/id292681379

What Bible App is on your phone? If you don’t have one or are looking for one I suggest the YOU version. It is well worth trying. You can make friends and join them to do Bible Plans together. Give it a try! You have nothing to lose! https://www.youversion.com/the-bible-app/

We have suggested journaling as we believe it is helpful for many reasons. Here is a helpful list of journal prompts! Have fun: https://proverbs31mentor.com/writing-the-bible/

Looking for a fun workout? Try this at home! https://faithfulworkouts.com/

While we have devotionals we still like to suggest many others who have come before us! Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries has a great Daily Devotional that I suggest: https://harvest.org/resources/devotions/

Have you heard of the “Jesus Revolution”? Check it out here! https://jesusrevolution.movie/